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Page history last edited by Kanzaris 7 years, 8 months ago

Champion: KanzarisKelshen - League of Transients


2. JeezyMiyagi - Neclord & Friends

3. greengravy294 - The Gravy Train

4. Boko - Boko United

5. Tom Bombadil - Ice Ice Baby

6. FFDragon - Vestige of a Crimson Prophecy

7. DeathChicken - General Bub's Bandits: Third Battalion

8. Eddv - Green Team

9. GANON1025 - Heritage for the Future

10. Trdl - The Trdl Club

11. Johnbobb - Kirby's Khalasar

12. Tom Bombadil - No Lynch Kru

13. Skyridge - The Skyridge Project

14. Justin_Crossing - Biggest Buds' Joint Effort

15. Mewtwo59 - Heroes of a Dark Future

16. Kamekguy - Dream's Awakening

17t. KommunistKoala - Marx's Angels

17t. ScareChan - Scurr Daddies

19. Articuno2001 - Vita is Life

20. TheArkOfTurus - Shoto's Revenge

21t. Alany - Keikaku

21t. VicPez - Achievement Unlocked

23. Terastodon - The Awoken World Conspiracy

24. Alany - Team Dunderskortrunder

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