
Jonathan Morris and Charlotte Aulin

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Jonathan Morris & Charlotte Aulin (Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin)
Heroic Male & Female Humans
Upkeep: 4/Week
Min Bid: 66 GP





Jonathan and Charlotte are as they appear at the end of Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, with all relics. Jonathan is equipped with the True Vampire Killer, Final Sword, Alucard's Spear, Platinum Plate, Winged Boots and Hercules Ring, with all of his sub-weapons mastered. Charlotte is equipped with the Tome of Arms X, Robe Decolette, Silent Sandals and Sorceress Crest, with all of her spells other than summons and Time Stop. They cannot use Dual Crushes.

Terrain: Nation of Fools - A deranged circus shaped like a square with the center of gravity located in the middle, making navigation disorientating. There are no monsters but the traps are still present.


Legendary Descendants (Passive) - Jonathan and Charlotte count as two separate characters for the purpose of abilities, but only take up one roster slot (unless paid down, in which case they take up however many slots their upkeep dictates).

Stonewall (Trigger) - Jonathan will automatically intercept the first single-target ability aimed at him or Charlotte (that resolves) and adopt his famed Stonewall defensive stance, additionally reducing any damaging effects by 75%. If he intercepts an ability that should not be able to affect him, it will be nullified. He may only intercept one ability per week.

Sanctuary (Pre-Battle) - Once every five weeks, Charlotte may use Sanctuary on a preselected enemy mercenary. If they are villainous their alignment will change to neutral and if they are Undead this classification will be removed (or changed to Human if it leaves them without one). If one of those changes occur, they will be unable to use any ability for the rest of the week, including passives, as well as any in-battle skills, techniques or magic they possess that rely on them being in their usual form.


(Ability Upgrade; 10 EXP)

Jonathan will intercept the first damaging single-target ability to hit any ally, tanking it with Stonewall. Doing so will put it on cooldown for three weeks, although he can still protect Charlotte as usual during this time.

(Ability Upgrade; 15 EXP)

Sanctuary may be blanket cast over the entire enemy team, although doing so adds on a week of recharge and injures Charlotte for one week.

(Character Upgrade; 10 EXP)

J&C may use one Dual Crush of their choice at one point in the match, chosen during their ability phase, with the exception of Greatest Five.

(New Peacetime Ability; 10 EXP)

Teamwork (Peacetime) - Once every four weeks, Jonathan & Charlotte can demonstrate to their team the virtues of overcoming the odds with superior teamwork, allowing two of them to team up this week. They will gain J&C's passive this week, will adopt the upkeep of the higher of the two +1 e.g. a Dracula/Death pairing would make a merc of 6/upkeep, with the merc that would usually have the lower upkeep of the two acting as the other's assist. In the case of tied upkeep, this may be manually chosen. If two of alignment, class and/or gender match, cooldown is reduced by one week.


Admin Rulings: 

Ruling (Date, Mercs Day)


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