Poison (Final Fight) Neutral 'Female' Human Upkeep: 2/Week Min Bid: 40 GP
Team: League of Transients (KanzarisKelshen)
Poison is as she appears in Ultra Street Fighter IV and Final Fight Revenge, with access to all her super moves, provided she builds up the meter to use them.
Terrain: Terrain: Mad Gear Hideout - A traditional Japanese-style building and garden, despite it's location within Metro City. No thugs are present; the Kabuki show has long since finished...
World Mercenaries Entertainment (On Purchase) - On hiring Poison, you can select one allied mercenary for her to manage. They will thereafter be the client referred to in her other abilities. Only one limited use ability may be used per week.
Poison's Client: Vergil
No Guest Appearances (Trigger - Limited Use 1) - "I'm terribly sorry, but my client's packed schedule simply won't allow for guest appearances!" When an enemy ability attempts to place Poison's client in a side-topic, it will be nullified.
You'll Pay What They're Worth (Pre-Battle - Limited Use 0) - "Oh, didn't you hear? After the last successful fight, my client's rates have gone up!" Poison may temporarily change the upkeep of her client for the week from 1-7 GP. Abilities used will now work off the new upkeep, including ones already used (which will be retroactively changed to reflect their new upkeep if necessary). It won't affect rostering, but they'll ask for their new upkeep in Results all the same.
Surprise Entrance (Peacetime - Limited Use 1) - "And now for the main event!" Poison and her client can choose to disappear in Peacetime, appearing 30 seconds into the main fight during Wartime, without having taken up roster slots, although GP will still need to be paid if dropping a tier.
Street Fight (Pre-Battle - Limited Use 0) - "Let's see if you can handle a REAL man's fight!" Poison can choose to force the fight onto her terrain, bypassing the usual bidding process. It will additionally be littered with folding chairs, stepladders and sections of steel piping.
Mad Gears (Start of Battle - Limited Use 0) - "Great! Now you can put on a real show!" Poison can somehow convince the enemy team to fight in costume as her rock band The Mad Gears, as seen in her USF4 ending, in place of whatever they would normally wear. The psychological impact of dressing up like a KISS tribute band is left to the interpretation of voters.
Tag Team (Passive) - Whenever her client is rostered, Poison will join them as their assist for free. They will also follow her orders in combat, although this will not overwrite a berserk mentality.
'Cultural Differences' (Passive) - If you reside in the West, Poison is a post-op transgender female. However, in Japan, according to Yoshinori Ono, "she just tucks her business away to appear female". Since Mercenaries has always prided itself on it's policy of keeping both sides of an argument happy *cough*, Poison is affected by abilities that target both males and females.
(Ability Upgrade; 5 EXP)
Poison's client will follow her lead regardless of personality.
(Ability Upgrade; 10 EXP) (Surprise Entrance re-stocked)
You may replenish a stock of a used limited use ability. This may be taken multiple times, but the same ability cannot be replenished more than once.
(Character Upgrade; 5 EXP)
Poison starts the fight with full super and ultra meter bars.
(New Start of Battle Ability; 10 EXP)
'Cuffed (Start of Battle) - Once every other week, Poison can throw her handcuffs at a random enemy merc, locking their wrists in place in front of them. They'll be securely fastened regardless of the physical composition of the merc, and regardless of how easily they can cope with them/removing them, they'll spend the first 10 seconds of the fight stood in place fiddling with them. However long after that it takes the merc to release themselves is up to voter interpretation.
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