
D Va

Page history last edited by MyWorldIsSquare 8 years, 7 months ago

D.Va (Overwatch)

Neutral Female Human

Upkeep: 4/Week

Min Bid: 64 GP


Team: None


D.Va is as seen in Overwatch and its official cinematics. 

D.Va is as seen in Overwatch and its official cinematics. She starts without her MEKA suit, but can call one down after enough time has passed in the match. 

Terrain: Hanamura - A tourist town complete with an arcade and a traditional Japanese temple. Access to the rest of the world is prohibited.


Preferred Race: Random (Pre-Battle) - Once every five weeks, D.Va will take a page from her pro gaming career and force both teams to fight with a randomized roster, forcing any Mercs that were paid down this week to be rostered first, and randomizing the remaining slots. This restriction is lifted in the event of a forfeit on either side. 


(Ability Upgrade; 10 EXP)

Paid down mercs are no longer prioritized on your opponent's side. 

(Character Upgrade; 10 EXP)

D.va's Race is changed to Robot and she gains the following Passive:

MEKA (Passive) - Any abilities (including KOs) will target D.Va's MEKA suit instead of her (hence the change to Robot classification). During Roster selection, D.Va's owner may elect for her to start the fight without her suit, nullifying the effects of any abilities on her. She would then count as a Neutral Female Human for ability purposes. 

(New Pre-Battle; 15 EXP)

Raising my APM! (Pre-Battle) - Once every four weeks, D.Va will activate her Defense Matrix, intercepting the first two unintercepted abilities used by the enemy team. These abilities must target D.Va, if able.


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