

Page history last edited by Drakeryn 8 years, 2 months ago

KOS-MOS (Xenosaga)
Heroic Female Robot
Upkeep: 7/Week
Min Bid: 91 GP


Team: Neclord and Friends (Jeezy)


KOS-MOS is as she appears in Xenosaga Episode 1. She has access to her techs as well as Shion's transferable ones. She has all her weapons aside from F-SCYTHE, and is equipped with D Unit V6, White Ring, and Brave Soul, and has the skills AGI+1, Damage -10%, AP +1, and W Special. She may not access her Blue Eyes form or use Revert, S-Chain or Gate.

Terrain: The Woglinde - The interior of the massive battleship cruiser. The ship is locked on autopilot, should be considered indestructible for the purposes of the fight, and access to the exterior of the ship is barred. No A.W.G.S. or any other mecha of any sort are present.


My external appearance is down 5%. Shion I need to be cleaned (Results) - Each week, KOS-MOS will charge 3 GP for each enemy ability that hit her during the week's wartime if she was rosterable. She will also charge 3 GP if she was rostered in a loss, and 3 GP if she was KOed during wartime.  This ability may activate even if KOS-MOS is KOed.

Analysis of the Current Situation Shows... (Peacetime) - Once every 4 weeks, KOS-MOS will calculate the result of any ability in the game. Choose an opposing team and an ability on any mercenary (including Pure Supports). The admins will roll the result in full as though it was rolled in a hypothetical match between your team and the enemy team and share the result with you pre-emptively, in private, with the result being re-calculated and re-shared if the target team pays down any mercs after this ability is used. There is a 99.998% probability that if the ability is used in a match between you and the enemy team that the result will be what KOS-MOS calculated. This may be used on abilities that resolve post-rosters or involve a limited pool of targets, if a hypothetical roster or pool is also provided, with the ability result being as KOS-MOS calculated if the calculated merc target is rostered or in the pool.  If you're declared on this wartime, reduce the cooldown of this ability by 2 weeks.  


"Politics make strange bedfellows." (Peacetime - Limited Use 0) - This mercenary may replicate a Peacetime ability from another team in full.


"It's better to live ugly than die beautiful." (Trigger - Limited Use 1) - If rosterable and hit by a KO, this mercenary will somehow find a way to persevere, and make it to the battle anyway. They will not count towards the roster cap, and will bring a random unbought mercenary of 3 upkeep or less with them to battle as an assist. (prioritizing higher upkeep mercenaries, and if no such mercenaries exist, they will bring a Spearman, as seen on the Montezuma support, instead) The assist cannot use abilities.


"It is the strong swimmer that most often drowns." (Peacetime - Limited Use 0) - If your opponent this week has a better record than you, there is a 50% chance (rolled individually) that any ability they use will fail, and go on a one week cooldown.


(Ability Upgrade; 15 EXP)

KOS-MOS may calculate the result of an additional ability from between the two teams, or for an additional week of recharge, calculate the result of an allied ability used against two separate teams. 

(New Pre-Battle; 20 EXP)

The Hilbert Effect (Pre-Battle) - While originally designed as an anti-Gnosis tool, KOS-MOS has adapted it to other applications. Once every 5 weeks, KOS-MOS may activate the Hilbert Effect against a pre-selected mercenary. This ability circumvents any immunities the mercenary has, and the target mercenary loses any immunities they have against abilities. Further, the target mercenary must be rostered if possible this week if they're 5/week upkeep or greater, and loses any in battle immunities they may have this week, even those granted from abilities.

(New Start of Battle; 20 EXP)

S-Chain (Start of Battle) - Once every 6 weeks, KOS-MOS may use her S-Chain on a random opposing human, beast, or robotic mercenary. They will not take damage from the attack, but their speed and durability will be reduced by half.


Admin Rulings: 

Ruling (Date, Mercs Day)


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