
Air Man

Page history last edited by Drakeryn 8 years, 8 months ago

Air Man (Mega Man 2)
Villainous Male Robot
Upkeep: 1/Week
Min Bid: 50 GP


Team: None

Formerly: Marx's Angels (Koala)


Air Man is as seen in Mega Man 2. He is not limited to using his boss patterns exclusively.

Terrain: None


Air Shooter (Start of Battle) - Once every 4 weeks, Air Man may fire his Air Shooter at a pre-selected enemy mercenary. The mercenary will be blown 50 ft back from their team, falling prone if they hit a wall. The target will have to combat a very powerful wind force blowing them away from Air Man (or a random rostered allied mercenary if Air Man has not been rostered) as long as he lives, which will not require his focus.


Robot Master (Passive) - This mercenary counts as 4/week for purposes of required roster slots. If this mercenary is benched after using any Start of Battle abilities, they will not suffer any penalty recharge.



(Ability Upgrade; 10 EXP)


Choose one of the following. This upgrade may be taken multiple times, but each choice can only be made once.

Any targets on the robot master's ability become pre-selected.
The ability timing on the robot master's ability may become pre-battle, chosen with the ability declaration. 
Reduce the ability recharge by one week.

If you did not send a mercenary in for repairs, you may automatically unlock this upgrade once.
If you beat Mega Man in mid or high tier, you may automatically unlock this upgrade once.
If you beat Mega Man in high tier, you may automatically unlock this upgrade an additional time. 

If this upgrade is unlocked more times than is applicable to the ability, you gain an additional 10 EXP that may be spent on any of your other mercs. 


Admin Rulings: 

Cannot be bought and is not considered a merc in the unbought merc pool (3/20/2016, Week 23)

They're not considered to have any upgrades for the event. (3/20/2016, Week 23) 



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