Neptune (Hyperdimension Neptunia) Heroic Female Human Upkeep: 5/Week Min Bid: 74 GP
Team: N/A
Formerly: Dream's Awakening (Kamek)
Neptune is as she appears in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1, at max level and with her best non-broken skills and equipment. She may activate her HDD form at any time, and whilst she cannot use Linked attacks, EX Finishers and EXE Drive skills can be used once the EXE Drive Gauge has been built up.
Terrain: Road to Celestia - The final stretch connecting Gamindustri with the heavens. Several floating chunks of land are connected by bridges of rainbow light. No monsters are present.
Console Wars (Pre-Battle) - Once every three weeks, Neptune can bring the dreaded Console Wars to her Mercenaries match. Characters heavily associated with either Sega, Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo will count for one share each for their company, counted post-rosters. Whichever company holds the most shares across both teams will hold considerable sway over Gamindustri, and those characters will enjoy a 50% parameter buff for the whole match. Characters do not have to be first party to count towards a company e.g. Nathan Drake counts as Sony; but at least 60% of games of their featured game/series (as determined by what's in parenthesis by the name on their merc build) must be exclusive to one of the four, with remakes or ports not counting towards this total. PC/Windows exclusive characters are considered Microsoft, games/series by Sega will be considered Sega regardless of console, and consoles not aligned to these four companies are considered Sega-- hold your breath for that upcoming Bonk merc. In the event of a tie, the eternal stalemate goes on, and Console Wars goes on a one week cooldown.
The list of Mercenaries and their corresponding console can be seen HERE.
Segaaaa (Passive) - This character is considered Sega aligned.
(New Peacetime; 5 EXP)
Sell-out (Peacetime) Each week, you may decide that maybe Sega isn't really your bag, and you'd rather shack up with one of Neptune's rivals for planetary glory instead. You may swap her out for one of Blanc, Noire or Vert and gain the respective passive, which will replace her current console alignment passive until she chooses again.
Get N or Get Out (Passive) - This character is considered Nintendo aligned. It Only Does Everything (Passive) - This character is considered Sony aligned. GAME FUEL (Passive) - This character is considered Microsoft aligned.
If you have taken Neptune's character upgrade, the other goddesses will also permanently be in their HDD forms.
(Ability Upgrade; 10 EXP)
Neptune may confer a temporary replica of her Passive onto an allied fighter when using Console Wars, overriding any allegiance they may have previously had. Sucks to be you, Mario. She may also confer an additional replica for an additional week of recharge per replica.
(Character Upgrade; 5 EXP)
Neptune is now permanently in her HDD form, outside of battle as well as in, changing to a Heroic Female Otherwordly/Robot.
Purple Heart is as she appears in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1, at max level and with her best non-broken skills and equipment. She is permanently in HDD form, and whilst she cannot use Linked attacks, EX Finishers and EXE Drive skills can be used once the EXE Drive Gauge has been built up.
(New Pre-Battle Ability; 10 EXP)
Moe~tal Combat (Pre-Battle) - Once every five weeks, Neptune can forgo the fight and instead tag along with a random post-rosters female enemy mercenary as an assist. Throughout the fight she will relentlessly pester her target, recounting anecdotes, trying to hug them, asking stupid questions and will generally be a nuisance. The more prickly her target, the deeper her desire to win them over with fastidious cuteness. She will not be included in ability pools, will not take any offensive actions and won't be attacked by any fighters in the match. She will simply leave if her target falls in battle.
This ability cannot be used if the enemy team has no rosterable female mercenaries, and will be cancelled without going on recharge if at any point the enemy is unable to roster any female mercenaries. However, it can be used even if Neptune isn't rosterable/hasn't been paid down, and if the enemy team rosters no female mercenaries, she will simply join her team and fight as normal without taking a roster slot.
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