
The Boss

Page history last edited by Gravy 8 years, 4 months ago

The Boss (Metal Gear Solid 3)
Neutral Female Human
Upkeep: 4/Week
Min Bid: 70 GP


Team: Green Team (Eddv)


The Boss is as seen in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. She is armed with her Patriot machine gun with infinite ammo. 

Terrain: Field of Flowers. Though there are some slender, twisted trees about, and the thick bed of flowers provides a place to hide (for those with the skill).... there's not much cover around, encouraging direct combat.


... because that was her duty. (Results) - Once every 3 weeks, The Boss may do as her leader instructs, taking the fall for the first ability that would befall her great team. The first rechargeable ability that would target any mercenary on her team next week will target her instead, though she must be rostered during the next week's wartime if able. She does not need to be an eligible target to take the brunt of any abilities, and such abilities will function regardless of whether she's an eligible target, but she does need to be rosterable in the match for any wartime abilities to be redirected to her. Each ability redirected to The Boss next week will increase the cooldown on this ability by one week.

CQC (Trigger) - Whenever The Boss is targeted by an enemy ability, she will brutalize the mercenary that used the ability, causing one of the following effects to occur immediately, before the ability resolves. Additionally, there is a 10% chance that The Boss will then use CQC on a second, random merc from the same team. In the case of Peacetime abilities, any effects of this trigger will linger through Wartime, and in the case of any Wartime abilities, this trigger can be assumed to have Pre-Battle timing. 

25% - The Boss will disarm the opponent, taking a preselected customization of theirs for her own usage in the week's battle. If they do not have a customization, she may pick a weapon from their writeup instead. She can even 'disarm' people of their non-weapon customizations with her CQC, somehow. The weapon or customization taken will be chosen during rosters (or before Wartime, in the case of Peacetime abilities), even if she's not rostered or KOed. She additionally has a 40% chance to 'disarm' them of their ability, copying the ability that triggered CQC against a random mercenary on their team with the same timing as the original ability.
20% - The Boss breaks all of the Merc's fingers. Additionally, the triggering ability has a 40% chance to fail and go on a 1 week recharge.
15% - The Boss gives the Merc a strong elbow to the gut, causing them to start the battle vomiting, even if they don't have stomachs or would normally be physically incapable of vomiting. She's just that good. 
30% - The Boss breaks the merc's left leg.
10% - The Boss breaks the mercs' neck, KOing them.


(Ability Upgrade; 25 EXP)

... because that was her duty may be used to protect a specific mercenary instead of her entire team for an additional week of recharge. When using the ability in this way there is no limit to the number of abilities she may redirect to herself in any given week and the ability's cooldown will not increase due to redirecting abilities.

(Ability Upgrade; 10 EXP)

CQC may trigger an additional time each week, and the chance to catch an additional mercenary is increased by 5%. This upgrade may be taken multiple times. 

(Ability Upgrade; 15 EXP)

... because that was her duty will be able to redirect an additional ability the next week. This upgrade may be taken multiple times.


Admin Rulings: 

Ruling (Date, Mercs Day)


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