Pudge (Dota 2) Villainous Male Undead Upkeep: 2/Week Min Bid: 54 GP
Team: League of Transients (KanzarisKelshen)
Pudge is as seen in Dota 2. He is assumed to be max level with 15 stacks of Flesh Heap and a typical item build, but does not have access to any item actives, wards, or consumables.
Terrain: Defense of the Ancients - The standard Dota 2 map. The towers are active for this fight, but no regular creeps, neutral creeps, or Roshan are present and no runes will spawn throughout the fight.

Meat Hook (Start of Battle) - Once every three weeks, Pudge may use his hook on a preselected enemy. It has a 50% chance to cause that merc to start next to Pudge's team, and damage the enemy merc.
Dismember (Trigger) - If an ability would cause an enemy to start next to Pudge or Pudge to start next to an enemy, Pudge will Dismember them, slicing them with his cleaver and stunning them in place for the first 5 seconds of battle. If Pudge would start next to multiple enemies, one is randomly selected.
(Ability Upgrade; 15 EXP)
Pudge's leader can channel their inner Dendi and let Meat Hook have a 100% chance to hit, but Dismember will not trigger. This option must be selected before the ability is rolled.
(Character Upgrade; 20 EXP)
Pudge gains access to a Bottle and non-Bounty runes will randomly spawn on the Defense of the Ancients terrain every 2 minutes.
(New Passive; 20 EXP)
Flesh Heap (Passive) - Pudge instead starts the battle with X stacks of Flesh Heap, where X is the cumulative number of KOs for all teams in the entirety of Mercs 4, retroactive to the beginning of the game.
KO Count: 224
Admin Rulings:
Dismember will not trigger on assists to the merc brought by hook, as they were not brought near Pudge by an ability. (6/4/2016, Week 30)
Leader Notes:
Unless stated otherwise, Pudge's hook will always be treated as the 100% hitchance version.
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