
Alyx Vance

Page history last edited by Luis 8 years, 5 months ago
Alyx Vance & Dog (Half-Life 2)
Heroic Female/Male Human/Robot
Upkeep: 3 or 5/Week
Min Bid: 67 GP


Team: None

Formerly: Keikaku (Alany)


Alyx is as seen in Half-Life 2, armed with her automatic pistol, shotgun, and Overwatch sniper rifle.

Dog is as seen in Half-Life 2. He does not have his ball.

Terrain: City 17 - The civilian sector of this Eastern European city, as seen at the beginning of Half-Life 2. Only areas featured within game are accessible, with no personnel present.


Now let me call Dog. He loves to play fetch. (Peacetime) - Each week in Peacetime, you may choose whether to roster Alyx (3 upkeep Heroic Female Human) or Dog (5 upkeep Heroic Male Robot). This choice defaults to Alyx if one isn't chosen.

C'mere, boy! (Pre-Battle) - Once every four weeks, Alyx and Dog may both be rostered using a  single roster slot, with Alyx accompanying Dog as an assist and following normal rostering rules (so Dog will take 3 slots in low tier). Dog will, however, disappear before results, meaning you do not need to pay his upkeep.


Faithful Companion (Trigger) - When an ally or allies are chosen for a side topic, Alyx will join the topic assisting that merc (owner's choice if multiple mercs are chosen).  She will avoid any penalties for failure, if any, and this will trigger regardless of whether Dog has been chosen this week or Alyx is already accompanying Dog as an assist.


(Character Upgrade; 10 EXP)

Dog gains access to his ball.

(New Limited Use Ability; 10 EXP)

Funny, you showing up on this week in particular. (Pre-Battle - Limited Use 3) - Alyx will find assistance in the unlikeliest of places - the available mercs pool. One preselected 4 or 5 upkeep Merc from the pool will join Alyx as an assist this week without access to their abilities. This ability may only be used on weeks with a 1 or 7 in them or multiples of 17, only if Alyx was chosen this week or C'mere boy! has been used, and the same merc can't be chosen twice.


Admin Rulings: 

Ruling (Date, Mercs Day)



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