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Heritage for the Future

Page history last edited by MyWorldIsSquare 7 years, 10 months ago

Heritage for the Future (21-18) 

Headed by GANON1025





Win/Loss Record: 21-18 (6th)

82 Infra/14 RI


Total Characters: 15

Total Upkeep: 68


Battle Characters:

Character (Upkeep)

Purchased on: 

Current EXP/Upgrade Status


Ganondorf (3)

Week 2

20/20, 20/20, 0/25

Ganon's Tower
Albert Wesker (5) Week 4 0/20, 20/20, 25/25 Umbrella Executive Training Center
Dracula (5) Week 8 0/20, 0/20, 25/25 Castlevania
Agahnim (1) Week 12 0/20, 15/15, 0/20

Agahnim's Boss Room

Death (4) Week 15 15/15, 20/20, 0/20 The Clock Tower
The Fury (2)
Week 19
15/15, 10/10, 0/10
Underground Tunnel
Quiet (6) Week 22 0/15, 0/15, 0/15 Aabe Shifap Ruins
Shade Man (1) Week 23.5 10/10, 10/10 None
Killer7 (Variable) Week 24 0/15, 0/10, 35/35 Union Hotel
Sigma (5) Week 28 0/15, 0/20, 20/20 Zero Space Stage 3
Kazuma Kiryu (3) Week 29 15/15, 0/15, 20/20 Kamurocho
Aatrox (5) Week 31 5/5, 5/5, 5/5

The Howling Abyss

Dizzy (6) Week 33 0/10 (1/3), 20/20, 15/15


Elma (6) Week 37 15/15, 0/15 Mira
The Wonderful 100 (7) Week 40 5/5, 0/10, 0/15 Blossom City


Support Characters:

Character (Upkeep)

Purchased on: 

Upgrade Status

Linked Mercenary

Old Man (1)

Week 17

0/5, 15/15, 0/10

Kazuma Kiryu

GLaDOS (1)

Week 34 0/10, 20/20, 10/10 Dizzy
Okabe Rintarou (2) Week 41 10/10, 10/20, 0/15 Ganondorf



Characters listed by:


Heroic: Wonderful 100, Elma, Kazuma, Okabe, Old Man

Neutral: Quiet, Dizzy, Aatrox, Killer7

Villainous: Dracula, Wesker, Sigma, Death, Ganondorf, The Fury, Agahnim, Shade Man, GLaDOS




Human: Wonderful 100, Dizzy, Quiet, Ganondorf, Kazuma, The Fury, Okabe, Old Man

Robot: Elma, Sigma, Shade Man, Dizzy, GLaDOS


Otherworldly: Aatrox, Killer7, Agahnim

Undead: Dracula, Wesker, Death, Shade Man



Male: Wonderful 100, Dracula, Wesker, Sigma, Aatrox, Killer7, Death, Ganondorf, Kazuma, The Fury, Agahnim, Shade Man, Okabe, Old Man

Female: Wonderful 100, Quiet, Dizzy, Elma, Killer7, GLaDOS



7: The Wonderful 100

6: Quiet, Dizzy, Elma

5: Wesker, Dracula, Sigma, Aatrox

4: Death

3: Ganondorf, Kazuma

2: The Fury, Okabe

1: Agahnim, Old Man, GLaDOS

Variable: Killer7












Drogo's Khalasar (Johnbobb)

Umbrella Executive Training Center

W (17-6)



M Neclord and Friends (JeezyMiyagi)
Shadow Moses Island
W (9-8)
8 L The Awoken World Conspiracy (Terastodon) Morning Glade W (18-1) --
9 M League of Transients (Kanzaris) --
L (Forfeit) --
10 L Boko United (Boko) Kamiki Village W (12-6) --
11 H Boko United (Boko)
Umbrella Executive Training Center
W (13-11)
12 L Keikaku (Zeverun) Balamb Garden W (13-3) --
13 H Biggest Buds' Joint Effort (JC) Agahnim's Boss Room L (4-16) --
14 M League of Transients (Kanzaris) -- L (Forfeit) --
15 M Neclord and Friends (JeezyMiyagi) Agahnim's Boss Room L (12-13) The Plan
16 L Vita is Life (Articuno) Wutai W (Forfeit) --
17 H The Awoken World Conspiracy (Terastodon) Agahnim's Boss Room W (17-4) Scyther! Scy Scy Scy Scy!
17.5 M Big Boss Event (Luis) Mother Base W (5-0) Partner: Koala
18 L The Gravy Train (greengravy) Castle Alexandria L (10-12) --
19 M Bashful Bandits (Corrik) Agahnim's Boss Room W (Forfeit) --
20 H League of Transients (Kanzaris) Zerus W (Forfeit) --
21 M Heroes of a Dark Future (Mewtwo) Castlevania W (8-4) --
22 L Keikaku (Alany) Halberd W (10-9) --
23 H Dream's Awakening (Mana) The Netherworld L (0-12) --
23.5 M Mega Man Event (Lopen) "Neutral" "Nondescript" W (9-1) Partner: Chris
24 H Under Pressure (Chris) Prison Terrace L (Forfeit) --
25 L Under Pressure (Chris) Agahnim's Room L (Forfeit) --
26 M The Trdl Club (trdl) Groznyj Grad L (Forfeit) --
27 H Biggest Buds' Joint Effort (JC) -- W (Forfeit) --
28 L Under Pressure (Chris) Ganon's Tower L (7-4 F) --
29 M Biggest Buds' Joint Effort (JC) Wii Fit Studio W (11-5) --
29.5 M Kirby's Khalasar (Johnbobb) Mother Base W (6-0) --
30 L Neclord and Friends (Jeezy) Ganon's Tower L (0-7) --
31 M No Lynch Kru (Tombolo) Underground Tunnel W (8-4 F) --
32 H Neclord and Friends (Jeezy) Aabe Shifap Ruins W (7-6) --
33  League of Transients (Kanzaris)  --  L (Forfeit)  -- 
34 M Neclord and Friends (Jeezy) Shadow Moses L (5-6)


35 H League of Transients (Kanzaris) Tranquil Wasteland W (Forfeit) --
36 H Under Pressure (Chris) -- W (Forfeit) --
37 M League of Transients (Kanzaris) Emiya Residence W (Forfeit) --
38 L League of Transients (Kanzaris) Emiya Residence L (Forfeit) --
39 M Boko United (Boko) Umbrella Executive Training Center L (Forfeit) --
40 H Under Pressure (Chris) Castlevania L (Forfeit) --
41 L Boko United (Boko) Kamurocho W (2-6 F) --
Playoffs Round 1 [6 Seed]
42 L


Green Team (Eddv)

Venus Lighthouse L (0-10) -- 
43 M Castlevania W (11-9) --
44 Mira L (6-12) --
Eliminated* Week 44



Head to Head Records:

Terastodon: 2-0

Zeverun/Alany: 2-0

Articuno: 1-0

Johnbobb: 1-0

Mewtwo: 1-0

Tombolo: 1-0

Eddv: 1-2

Boko: 3-1

JC: 2-1

Corrik/trdl: 1-1

Kanzaris: 3-4

Jeezy: 2-3

Chris: 1-4

gravy: 0-1

Mana: 0-1


Other Team Information: 



*Technically said elimination match should have been reran but wasn't due to time constraints, by all accounts said team would not have been eliminated if said reran match were reran.


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