
The Gravy Train

Page history last edited by Gravy 8 years, 1 month ago

The Gravy Train (29-16)

Headed by greengravy294




Win/Loss Record: 29-16 

104 Infra/30 RI (-1 Infra)


Total Characters: 19

Total Upkeep: 74


Battle Characters:

Character (Upkeep)

Purchased on: 

Current EXP/Upgrade Status


Commander Shepard (6)

Week 1

20/20, 0/15, 0/30

Zidane Tribal (3) Week 3 0/20, 25/25, 25/25

Prima Vista

M Bison (4) Week 8 0/20, 20/20, 20/20 Shadaloo Base
Beatrix (3) Week 14
0/20, 0/25, 20/20
Castle Alexandria
Chrom (3)  Week 19  10/10 (15/15), 15/15, 15/15  Arena Ferox (Awakening) 
Lilith (6)  Week 19  5/20, 0/10, 15/15 Sanctuary 
Chun-Li (2) Week 24 0/10, 0/10, 20/20 Great Wall of China
Kasumi (5) Week 25 0/15, 15/15, 10/20 Zack Island
Squall Leonhart (4) Week 28
0/15, 10/10, 15/15
Balamb Garden
Lady (5) Week 30 0/10, 15/15, 20/20 The Divine Library
Richter Belmont (3) Week 31 0/10, 10/10, 20/20 Reverse Dracula's Castle
Syndra (6) Week 31 5/5, 5/5, 0/0, 5/5 The Crystal Scar
Yuffie Kisaragi (3) Week 34 15/15, 0/15, 15/15 Wutai Village
Dante (7) Week 40 0/20, 0/25, 10/10 Devil May Cry
Golbez (4) Week 42 0/10, 10/10 Tower of Zot
Fetch (5) Week 43 0/10, 0/10, 0/20 DUP Training Center
Mega Man X (6) Week 47 0/10, 0/5, 10/10, 0/30 Maverick Hunter Base


Support Characters:

Character (Upkeep)

Purchased on: 

Upgrade Status

Linked Mercenary

Yandere-chan (2)

Week 41

15/15, 10/10 (2/2)

M Bison

Yukari Yakumo (2)

Week 48 0/10, 0/5, 0/10 Golbez



Characters listed by:


Heroic: Shepard, Zidane, Beatrix, Chrom, Lilith, Chun-Li, Kasumi, Squall, Lady, Richter Belmont, Syndra, Yuffie, Dante, Mega Man X

Neutral: Golbez, Fetch, Yukari

Villainous: Bison, Yandere-chan




Human: Shepard, Bison, Beatrix, Chrom, Lilith, Chun-Li, Kasumi, Squall, Lady, Richter Belmont, Syndra, Yuffie, Dante, Yandere-chan, Fetch

Robot: Mega Man X 


Otherworldly: Zidane, Yukari


Human/Otherworldly: Dante, Golbez



Male: Bison, Zidane, Chrom, Squall, Richter Belmont, Dante, Golbez, Mega Man X

Female: Shepard, Beatrix, Lilith, Chun-Li, Kasumi, Lady, Syndra, Yuffie, Yandere-chan, Fetch, Yukari



7:  Dante

6:  Shepard, Lilith, Syndra, Mega Man X 

5: Kasumi, Lady, Fetch

4: Bison, Squall Leonhart, Golbez

3: Zidane, Beatrix, Chrom, Richter Belmont, Yuffie

2: Chun-Li, Yandere-chan, Yukari Yakumo













The Rocket's Red Glare (redrocket)

Peach's Castle

L (8-11)

Butt pinch not good enough to wake Shepard up.


M The Skyridge Project (Skyridge)
Prima Vista
W (11-5)
Zidane with Zero's gun.
8 L Biggest Buds' Joint Effort (JC) Prima Vista L (0-12) Poor Zidane...
9 L Scurr Daddies (Scare) Shadaloo Base W (17-0) Bowser and Mac not enough for the mighty Bison.
10 H Shoto's Revenge (TheArkOfTurus) Summit of Sacrifice L (4-11) Shepard isn't much of a boxer unfortunately...
11 M Shoto's Revenge (TheArkOfTurus)
Sukazu Castle Rooftop
W (Forfeit)
12 M No Lynch Kru (Tom Bombadil) Presidium W (12-2) Shepard solos.
13 L Neclord and Friends (Jeezy) Dracula's Castle W (16-5) Psycho Trance Zidane and Bison.
14 H No Lynch Kru (Tom) Presidium W (Forfeit) Waterball fun time. 
15 H Boko United (Boko) -- L (Forfeit) --
16 M Boko United (Boko) Kamiki Village W (Forfeit) --
17 L League of Transients (Kanzaris) Alexandria Castle W (17-15) ORDERS ARE ORDERS
17.5 M Big Boss Event (Tirofog) Mother Base L (0-15)
Partner: Zeverun
18 L Heritage for the Future (GANON) Castle Alexandria W (12-10) Psycho Zidane slays the mighty HW Ganon.
19 M Keikaku (Alany) Presidium W (18-14) Dante duoed.
20 H Keikaku (Alany) Arena Ferox (Awakening)  W (20-7)  Dante can't parry bullets while frozen. 
21 L Under Pressure (Sir Chris) -- L (Forfeit) =[
22 H Marx's Angels (Koala) Paris W (Forfeit) Samus and Zidane went on a date.
Boko United (Boko)
L (Forfeit)
23.5 L Mega Man Event (Lopen) Metal Man's Stage L (4-9) Partner: Arti
24 H Boko United (Boko) Prima Vista W (Forfeit) -- 
25 Boko United (Boko) Prima Vista W (Forfeit) Pretty sure this was a Protestor Power week!!!
26 M Marx's Angels (Koala) The Village L (8-9) =(
27 H League of Transients (Kanzaris) Darkside W (Forfeit) -- 
28 L League of Transients (Kanzaris) Shadaloo Base L (0-7 F) -- 
29 M General Bub's Bandits: Third Battalion (DC) Zack Island W (Forfeit) -- 
29.5 H

Scurr Daddies (Scare) &

League of Transients (Kanzaris)

Crystal Scar W (12-8-0) Syndra became a Hero of Justice
30 L Biggest Buds' Joint Effort (JC) Balamb Garden W (7-4) zzzzzzzzzzzzz
31 M Green Team (Eddv) -- W (Forfeit) --
Biggest Buds' Joint Effort (Alany) Presidium  W (6-4)  -- 
33 L Under Pressure (Sir Chris) Ancient Cave, Floor 99 L --
34 M League of Transients (Kanz) Wutai Village L (4-7) lol shell
35 H Boko United (Boko) -- L (Forfeit) --
36 H Biggest Buds' Joint Effort (JC) Presidium W (Forfeit) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od3cjyHctjo
37 M Boko United (Boko) Wutai Village W (Forfeit) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuxrG94yY5I
38 L Biggest Buds' Joint Effort (JC) Castle Alexandria W (Forfeit) --
39 M Under Pressure (Sir Chris) Wutai Village W (Forfeit) The future...doesn't belong to you!
40 H Neclord and Friends (Jeezy) Dracula's Castle L (Forfeit) All a part of The Plan
41 L Biggest Buds' Joint Effort (JC) Arena Ferox W (7-2) --
41.5 L Ultimate Challenges Event (Kanz) NBA Court L (0-5) lol
Round Robin
42 M Boko United (Boko) Arena Ferox W (10-1) Freefalling Yuffie in a MEC Trooper suit
43 H Neclord and Friends (Jeezy) Toad's Turnpike W (7-2) Toad's been put in his place.
44 L Under Pressure (Sir Chris) Wutai Village L (0-5) --
Playoffs Round 2 [2 Seed]
45 M


Green Team (Eddv)

Delgado Winery W (Forfeit) Fetch, it's Raiden! Let's go bowling.
46  Ship Graveyard  L (4-8)  -- 
47  Ship Graveyard  W (Forfeit)  -- 
Playoffs Round 3 [2 Seed]


Neclord and Friends (Jeezy) 

Neclord's Castle  L (4-7)  Buffs??? 
49 M Tuchanka W (6-5) Buffs!!!
50 H Devil May Cry  L* (9-10)
schrodinger's merc box. i'll just pretend i won.
Eliminated on Week 50



Head to Head Records:

Boko: 5-3

Jeezy: 3-3

Kanzaris: 2-2


JC: 5-1

Eddv: 3-1

Alany (Cyclo): 2-0

Tom Bombadil: 2-0

DC: 1-0

GANON: 1-0

Scare: 1-0

Skyridge: 1-0

Koala: 1-1

Ark: 1-1

Tom (Chris): 1-4



Other Team Information: 

Week 37 - Yuffie stole Zack's Zack, the Puppy ability. (Used Week 38)

Week 39 - Yuffie stole Shulk's We CAN change the future! ability. (Used Week 39)

Week 40 - Yuffie copied Alucard's Retro Plan. (Used Week 42)

Week 41 - Yuffie stole Claire's Protestor Power (Used Week 42)

Week 41.5 - Yuffie copied Charles Barkley's "Everybody get up, it's time to slam now..." passive. (Returned to the Nether Week 44)

Week 42 - Yuffie stole Goku's That's Xcom Baby! ability. (Used Week 45)

Week 43 - Yuffie stole Flynn's Talk ability. (Used Week 44)

Week 44 - Yuffie copied Gemini Man's Gemini Twin ability. (Used Week 46)

Week 45 - Yuffie stole Ridley's Smash and Grab ability. (Used Week 46)

Week 47 - Yuffie stole Lloyd's Give Me Your Name And I'll Give You Mine! ability.


Special thanks to Drakeryn for one half of my retired banner: http://i.imgur.com/KnB3W3I.jpg



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