
Rin Tohsaka

Page history last edited by Luis 8 years, 5 months ago

Rin Tohsaka (Fate/Stay Night)
Heroic Female Human
Upkeep: 3/Week
Min Bid: 62 GP


Team: None

Formerly: Achievement Unlocked (VicPez)


Rin Tohsaka is as she appears at the start of Fate/Stay Night, equipped with the Staff Sword Azoth. She has brought two jewels with her, which can be cast instantly and shatter upon use. The first <insert effect here>, and the second <insert effect here>.

Terrain: Tohsaka Mansion - A large, multileveled building built in the Western style. No magical barriers or circles are present for this battle.


Customization: Every week, Rin may choose to take two jewels into battle and imbue them with one of the following effects:

fires a large blast of icicles
fires a high energy charged laser
creates focused strong winds
bestows complete invulnerability upon next being hit, lingering for one second

All of Rin's jewels are cast instantly and shatter after one use.

A Magic Circuit is a pseudo-nervous system that spreads itself through the human body and what qualifies a person to be a magus. Originally, its function was to just replenish a person's life force whenever the amount of Od inside his body reaches zero, but humans learned how to control it and use it to perform mysteries. That which connects the material world to the astral plane, if prana is the force that actualize the rules of a Thaumaturgical Theory's system, then the Magic Circuits are the pipelines that converts prana and transmit that energy from the magus to the syste... (Results) - Once every three weeks, Rin may give the mercenary chosen for Tsun (or a pre-selected allied male mercenary if Tsun has not been chosen yet) the full wrath of a massive history lesson on various forms of spellcasting of a pre-selected mercenary Rin encountered in the week's battle. This will take until the next week's wartime to conclude, and will fail without going on recharge if the allied mercenary or Rin are KOed or otherwise removed in the meantime. The allied mercenary she tried to explain will totally zone out and not remember a thing, but Rin will will enter battle with the ability to cast all the spells allowed by the chosen encountered mercenary's battle write-up (using mana/her Od, regardless of whatever resource they use) next week!


(Ability Upgrade; 10 EXP)

Rin learns how to make her infodumping a bit more succinct. As a result, it may optionally be declared as a Pre-battle, targeting any mercenary in the match, with the spells learned being able to be cast for this week's match. In either case, the Tsun merc Rin attempts to give the lecture to will not completely zone out and will learn how to cast the low level spells of the encountered mercenary.

(Character Upgrade; 10 EXP)

Rin's write-up and customization become the following.

Rin Tohsaka is as she appears at the start of Fate/Stay Night, equipped with the Staff Sword Azoth. She has brought two pairs of jewels with her, which can be cast instantly and shatter upon use. The first pair <insert effect here>, and the second pair <insert effect here>.

Customization: Every week, Rin may choose to take a pair of identical jewels from each of the following groups into battle and imbue each pair with one of the following effects:

Group One:
fire a large blast of icicles
fire a high energy charged laser
nullify a single foe's spellcasting for five seconds

Group Two:
create focused strong winds
grant herself ten seconds of superspeed and strength
bestow complete invulnerability to Rin upon next being hit, lingering for one second

(New Limited Use; 20 EXP)

Command Seal (Pre-Battle: Limited Use 3) - One ally with 6/week upkeep or higher is compelled to follow Rin's order to KO a Pre-selected enemy Mercenary of upkeep 5 or greater.

(New Abilities; Rostered for 3 Battles with an allied Male Mercenary + targeted them as the pre-selected allied male mercenary with her results ability at least once.)

This upgrade must be purchased the earliest results possible after the upgrade criteria is met. If multiple male mercenaries meet the criteria at the same time, Rin's owner may choose one. Tsun will target the mercenary that causes Tsun to be purchased. If the mercenary chosen for Tsun is fired, this upgrade may be purchased again, though the tally will be reset.

Tsun (Passive) - Rin will act irrationally cold towards *mercenary* if they are both rostered in a fight. ...What? It's not like she likes them or anything!

Dere (Trigger) - If the Merc chosen for Tsun is KO'd, Rin can expend one of her extra unchosen jewels to revive them. This effect can only trigger once per week. (She just felt sorry for them, t-that's all!) Also, if Dere hasn't triggered this wartime and Rin is rostered, during rosters Rin may choose to trigger Dere and nullify a pre-selected Start of Battle ability targeting the mercenary chosen for Tsun. (To win the match! I-it's not like she did it for him or anything!)


Admin Rulings: 

Ruling (Date, Mercs Day)



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