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by Gravy 8 years, 3 months ago
Zero (Mega Man series) Heroic Male Robot Upkeep: 6/Week Min Bid: 88 GP
Formerly: The Skyridge Project (Skyridge)
Zero is as he appears in the Mega Man Zero series, in his <customization> Form as seen in Zero 2. He has his Saber, Buster, Shield Boomerang, and Chain Rod, as well as the EX skills from Mega Man Zero 2. He has the elemental chips and the only effects from Cyber Elves he has are those from Grandie, Atti, Jettah, and Fubuffa, (double life, running speed, climbing speed, no backlash recoil).
Terrain: Final Weapon Space Station - The former stronghold of Repliforce is as expected for a hi-tech space station owned by a military organisation- Carefully planned corridors and elevators made out of almost unbreakable alloys, lacking only the mechanoids that once guarded it.

Customization: Zero may choose which form he enters in battle for the day.
Active Form (Increased mobility)
Defense Form (Reduced damage taken)
X Form (Buster is stronger and charges faster)
Timely Rescue (Peacetime) - Zero has a knack for showing up just in the nick of time to help his weaker friends. Once every six weeks, Zero may be brought into a Low or Mid Tier match without paying any of the associated fees. However, he will show up to the battle 30 seconds late as if any Start of Battle effects had hit him when the match started (so for example, if he had been hit by Bub's Bubbles ability, he would not still be in the Bubble upon arrival, though he'd still be affected by anything that would have lingering effects beyond 30s as normal). Zero's Theme (from MMX) will also begin playing throughout the terrain as soon as he enters the battle.
(Ability Upgrade; 10 EXP)
Zero shows up 15 seconds late. In addition, Zero's leader may choose whether or not they want his theme music to play.
(New Passive; 10 EXP)
Maverick Hunter Leader (Peacetime) - Once every 3 Weeks, Zero will go recruiting. Zero may open up bidding on any robotic mercenary from the unbought mercenary pool for 0 GP (including any unowned Wily Robots), and you may be outbid as normal, though opposing bids must exceed your bid as well as the minimum bid of the robot. Regardless of the outcome of the bid, the merc will immediately be added to your team as a rosterable merc and become usable this wartime without being paid down. The merc may not use rechargeable abilities unless they have the Robot Master passive. If the initial bid was successful, you may add the mercenary to your team by paying their minbid - (10+your winning bid) gp during results, with the merc being released to the unbought mercenaries pool and your gp from the winning bid being lost if you do not add them. If the bid was not successful, your opponent will have the merc during results (with any recharges cleared) as though they'd purchased the merc normally.
Admin Rulings:
"Fees" refers to anything paid needed for him to show up to the wartime at all (usually 6 or 18 GP). Rostering him still takes the extra slots, however. (10/23/2015, Week 1)
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