Don't worry. I'll take care of you. ...Veeery good care. (Passive) - Tharja accompanies the mercenary she is attached to as an assist, and is immune to seductions, possessions, and any abilities that would cause her to betray her attached mercenary in any way.
...Of course if you back out, I'll murder you in your sleep. (Trigger) - If detached from a mercenary, Tharja will express her love in the purest way she knows, KOing the mercenary for the week. In addition, the mercenary will be gifted with a Hex of Affliction that will not disappear until Tharja has won a battle with her new attached mercenary, at which point the hex is removed.
Hex of Affliction:
At the start of each Peacetime, the mercenary will suffer one of the following effects, chosen randomly. A mercenary with a Hex of Affliction cannot be fired until it's removed.
20% - Runny Nose Curse: The mercenary will be given no tissues to cope. Suffer.
20% - Hex of the Skull Shield: Any abilities used by the mercenary have a 40% chance to fail and go on a 1 week recharge. In addition, any abilities used against the mercenary have a 10% chance to KO the mercenary.
20% - Highwind's Compulsion: When rostered, the mercenary will be absent for the first 30 seconds of the fight, or when teams meet, whichever is longer. After that time elapses, they will land on a random enemy mercenary, which is determined after rosters are selected. This attack can be blocked, but neither team will know when or who the target is.
20% - Mark of Greed: The mercenary will demand double upkeep for the week during results.
20% - Curse of the Sad Mummy: The mercenary's team will be immobilized for the first 5 seconds of the fight. This occurs whether the mercenary is rostered or not.
Forget saving the world--I just want you. Gods have mercy on anyone who interferes! (Trigger) - Once every 3 weeks, the first time Tharja's attached mercenary is affected by a an enemy ability, the enemy mercenary will receive a hex of affliction and immediately suffer the effects of one of the abilities from it, chosen by Tharja's leader during rosters. The mark will remain until the mercenary is rostered in a winning battle, not including this week's.
(Ability Upgrade; 10 EXP)
The mercenary Tharja is attached to gains the benefit of the skills Hex, Anathema, Vengeance, and Tomebreaker as though they too were a practitioner of the dark arts!
(New Ability; 15 EXP)
Dark Research (Start of Battle) - Once every 3 weeks, Tharja may gift a pre-selected opposing mercenary with a Hex of Affliction at the start of the battle, with the effect immediately being felt and rolled after rosters have been revealed if the target was rostered. The Hex from this ability will be removed during results, unlike a normal Hex. During results, Tharja may reap the rewards of her valuable research and may redistribute 5% to or from the Hex of Affliction option that was rolled to or from any other option, permanently, affecting all further Hex of Affliction rolls.
(Ability Upgrade; 10 EXP)
Gods have mercy's cooldown is reduced by a week. This upgrade may be taken multiple times, and if two or more times Gods have mercy may trigger a number of times each wartime = to the number of times this upgrade was purchased.
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